Time to book a room?
Do not rush to contact travel agencies in order to book a room in an apart-hotel. Renting an apartment in St. Petersburg through tour operators assumes that you rely entirely on the taste of the manager. And it may not always match your expectations. Booking a room yourself on our website is easy and simple. Here you can choose the number that suits you best.
Be sure to look at the photos and read the reviews of tourists about the hotel who have already stayed at our hotel. Only then can you decide whether this apartment hotel is suitable or not.Now that you are firmly convinced that you have decided to rent an apartment in St. Petersburg, you can start booking.
How to rent an apartment in St. Petersburg?This is easy and simple to do. Follow a few simple steps and you will succeed.
- On the website of the apart-hotel "Sunflower" select the option "booking"
- See which room suits you and indicate the number of guests who will be accommodated in this room.
- Enter your data - Surname, Name, Patronymic, contact phone number and E-mail. Your contacts are necessary so that the administrator on duty can contact you - clarify the booking conditions and confirm the reservation itself.
- Click on the "Book" button so that your order will be processed.
- If you need additional services - an extra bed in the room, transfer or Early check-in / Late check-out - mark this information in the "Your wishes" field and the staff of the apart-hotel "Sunflower" will definitely take this into account when making a reservation.
- The booking confirmation will be sent to the mail that you left in the booking form on the site
If for some reason you could not book a room on the website, call the Reception of the apart-hotel "Sunflower" +7 (812) 741-48-20 and booking an apartment can be arranged by phone.
Why is it profitable to rent an apartment in the apart-hotel "Sunflower" (St. Petersburg)?We are not always able to indirectly assess the benefits of a particular accommodation, especially if we make a reservation via the Internet. Therefore, before making a choice in favor of a particular hotel or hotel in St. Petersburg, check out the list of advantages of the apart-hotel "Sunnyflower":
- Apart-hotel "Sunflower" passed the system of classification of accommodation objects adopted in the Russian Federation and received the category of "three stars".
- The convenient location of the apart-hotel "Sunflower" in the south-west of St. Petersburg will allow you to quickly and without traffic jams to get to any place you need in St. Petersburg or its suburbs.
- By booking a room in the apart-hotel "Sunflower" you can be sure that you will always receive "Decent service at an affordable price"
- A distinctive feature of the hotel "Sunflower" is the presence of a kitchen in each room, as well as a large guarded parking lot.
- Apart-hotel "Sunflower" in Gorelovo, is always ready to make a special offer for travel agencies and training companies.
- If you are going on a business trip, our administrators will prepare the necessary package of accounting documents for you.
- We are glad to hear and see our guests 24/7, at any time of the year and in any weather.
If you have found the best accommodation option for yourself, complete the "Booking" and we will look forward to waiting for you at the apart-hotel "Sunflower"!